Got a question?
No problem.

We’re always here to help! Our team in Jacksonville, Florida, can point you in the right direction.

Getting Started

How do I get started?

We are excited to have you onboard and learn how we can help your business efforts. Chat below to request a demo or contact our sales team at

How secure is the LegacyShield platform?

LegacyShield recognizes its responsibility to ensure that data is secure, and we do so by leveraging an in-depth defense strategy with multiple layers of protection in place. All data exchanged within our platform is encrypted in transit and encrypted at rest. If you would like to know more, check out our blog post on data security by our Chief Technology Officer. 

How do I share information with my clients?

After you invite your clients to create a profile via email, you both will be able to view and share important information through notes, links, and documents. You can also collaborate through direct messages or direct group messages with your clients and their important people.

Managing Your Account

How do I reset my password?

On the login page, locate the “I forgot my password” icon underneath where you insert your password. Enter your email and press “submit request” and you should receive an email from prompting you to reset your password. If you did not receive this email within 10 minutes, we recommend you check your spam account.

How do I manage my account?

Each advisor is paired with a Client Success Specialist to help your onboarding process go as smoothly as possible. In addition, your dashboard provides different categories to store and share documents, incorporate life stories, and plan for life events. If you have trouble with a certain aspect of your account, we recommend you contact our support team.

What happens if my account expires?

In the event that your account expires, all data saved in our platform will be stored securely should you want to access it at another time. Contact your advisor or LegacyShield support to renew access to your account.