From your insurance policies to your last will & testament, store everything for today, tomorrow and when you are no longer here. Choose anyone to receive the information based on trigger events.
The LegacyShield® team has been helping families create lasting legacies for nearly 20 years. This was developed to bring those services to everyone.
Protect and preserve all your values and valuables in 3 simple steps

Other Accounts
Your virtual filing cabinet.
Categorize and record everything you use. Store information about accounts like email, utilities, memberships, or subscriptions so you never forget.
Estate Planning
Create the right estate planning documents tailored to your situation.
Sometimes, a basic estate plan is not enough. Our estate plan analyzer takes the guesswork out of knowing what documents are best for you and your family.

Financial Aggregation
Your Financial Dashboard
Organize all your accounts from multiple financial institutions within an intuitive online dashboard. From bank and retirement accounts to credit card balances, everything is accounted for here.
Final Wishes
You know what you want - do others?
Record your final wishes to eliminate the typical stress and confusion left upon your loved ones. Eliminate uncomfortable conversations, and change your instructions whenever you like.

Life Stories
Your story lives on
Record your life story. Ensure your family and future generations learn from your life lessons, enjoy your anecdotes, carry on family traditions and know everything you want them to know about you.

“Our job at Centrian is to protect families. Providing affordable, dependable life insurance is only part of the solution. The other part is making sure families receive the benefits they are entitled to. LegacyShield will ensure this happens.”
Jim MorganPRESIDENT & CEO • Centrian
Protect your legacy, your wishes, and your family now.
Centrian has partnered with LegacyShield to provide certain products at no cost. Additional LegacyShield products may also be available for purchase. Your relationship or agreements with LegacyShield® are separate from your relationship or agreements with Centrian. The kits you may be receiving access to through LegacyShield® are not intended to be legal, tax, or investment advice. You should consult your own legal, tax, or investment advisor regarding your personal situation. LegacyShield® is a subsidiary of Centrian.
1 Probate by the Numbers: Stats and Figures. (2016). [Blog] Available at: [Accessed 6 Aug. 2019]
2 Hicken, Melanie. “$58 billion unclaimed: Is some of it yours?” CNNMoney, Cable News Network, 24 Jan. 2013,